Home Inspection Woodbury | Home Inspector 952 583 9690

Our trained and experienced inspectors conduct a visual inspection on furnace, air conditioning unit, filters, thermostats, and air ducts. Searching for any repairs, issues or risks is top priority when performing out HVAC System service. We assess in great detail the smooth operation and any faulty or poor quality in construction and in appliances to assure everything is up to par. Here are 4 good reasons why it’s important to have your HVAC inspected for your potential new home:

  1. Your HVAC systems are the costliest month-to-month expense in your home. Heating and cooling accounts for nearly half your annual energy bill, on average. With that much money at stake, you want to make sure your new home’s HVAC systems are in good shape. An inefficient system can be a huge drain on monthly budgets.
  2. According to Home Warranty, 50% of the claims they pay are on HVAC systems. This is because an HVAC unit can still be functional while hiding underlying flaws that may become a serious problem in the near future.
  3. HVAC repairs and replacements are highly expensive. More so even than other home appliances—in the kitchen or the laundry room, for example—replacing air conditioning or heating units is a major financial investment. Whereas a dishwasher that suddenly goes out will cost you just several hundred dollars, replacing a broken furnace can cost several thousand. Knowledge is savings.
  4. The seller’s disclosure may not be accurate. Sellers are required to complete what is called “seller’s disclosure report,” which outlines all problems and defects that the seller is aware of. However, if the seller has not kept up with routine HVAC maintenance, this report may not be an accurate depiction of the current age and condition of the home’s heating and cooling systems. They’re probably not trying to mislead you, but it’s still wise to let a qualified professional give the final word.

Scheduling an HVAC inspection as part of your buying process is well worth the small amount of extra time and money. Need a qualified HVAC expert to give your potential new home the thumbs-up? Contact us today to give you a quality HVAC inspection today!

Home Inspection Woodbury | Home Inspector 952 583 9690